Thursday, July 31, 2008



The life my children lead
A hidden life-
Separateness I cannot share
Slightly underground, unaware
That I am here and there
Fully tuned to their despair
Omniscient parent in the air.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Jackson Lake/Tetons

Jackson Lake/Tetons
Originally uploaded by hombreciego

Jackson Lake with the majestic Tetons in the background is too breathtaking for words. God must vacation here!

Camping it Easy

Originally uploaded by hombreciego

Just about to enter Yellowstone NP from Grand TetonNP. Nice young couple took my pic and I took theirs.

In Midstream

In Midstream

I am thinking of rivers.
They are one of the things that I love
most in this world.
Many of them I have fished,
though many of the ones I have waded
produced nothing but memories.
The icy water of Yellowstone’s
Fire Hole River flows around me now.
Tomorrow she’ll be a memory like
the memory of the Rogue, the Madison,
the Missouri or the Deschutes- all waters
that have felt my waders, tasted my fly,
lifted my spirits, and sung to me.
Tomorrow the swift current
of another river will bless me,
baptize me in her roaring riffles-
connect me to all that have flowed
before and after her.
I listen to her tenderly.
She calls me with her music

Friday, July 04, 2008



Bursting in air
At the county fair
They give us pause
With oohs and awes
Wide-open eyes
And deep surprise
A lump in the throat
A chance to gloat
Bombs bursting in air
At the county fair
Rockets shooting high
On this Fourth of July
Light up the evening skies
Like beautiful fireflies

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Aquarius, the Water Bearer

Aquarius, the Water Bearer

Haunted by waters, I
sense the spirit of life
lingering in each riffle.
Freedom to flow over
mainstream impediments
I am as the Chinook-
both fish and wind- thawing
the frozen pathways,
seeking warmth and sudden
death and renewal- “Rise
Up O Spirit, baptize
my soul with holy water.
Heal my pain, make me whole.
Cleanse me for the new run.
Warm my blood in morning sun.
Melt the frozen sea within me.