Monday, December 26, 2005


Risking absurdity, relegated to obscurity
I submit my poem to doubting eyes,
crouching tigers stalking an old wildebeest
lagging behind the streamlined herd

I submit my poem to doubting eyes
skeptics, suspicious of traditionalists
lagging behind the streamlined herd
rip the flesh from metrical bones

skeptics suspicious of tradition
judge clarity as mindless simplicity
rip the flesh from metrical bones
unable to recall dead bards while

judging clarity as mindless simplicity
value derivation, discount intelligibility
unable to recall dead bards singing
sweet songs, sad dirges, eerie elegies

When so derivative as rendered unintelligible
It's not poetry, pens Ms. Moore
risking absurdity, relegated to obscurity
I submit my poem to doubting eyes

Kbris 2005

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