Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Louise and Rulons Montana Homestead in Augusta

Louise and Rulon’s Montana Homestead in Augusta

On the billowing, russet prairie
Stands an empty farmhouse-
Windows gone, doors sagging.
Wind soughs mournfully under eaves

Stands an empty farmhouse
Russian thistle tumbles past
Wind soughs mournfully under eaves
To the murmurs of dead voices

Russian thistle tumbles past.
Desolate, silent grim witness
To the murmurs of dead voices
Gone the kerosene lantern-lit faces

Desolate, silent, grim witnesses
Gone the herd, the flock, the field
Gone the kerosene lantern-lit faces
Tempered by tough Montana times

Gone the herd, the flock, the field
Gone the bison who roamed
The billowing russet prairie
Where the empty farmhouse stands.


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