Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Maria Missing Juan

Maria Missing Juan

She falls apart and feels her heart divide.
She cries alone, weeping in her room.
She thinks of those days with pride,

recalls happy times, a young bride.
She hears his voice calling from the tomb,
falls apart and feels her heart divide.

Cooked his favorite food the day he died.
Hung their new son’s photo in the room.
She thinks of those days with pride.

Longs for loving moments by his side
before the wreck, the awful gloom.
She falls apart and feels her heart divide,

tears flowing, a sad, incoming riptide,
grieving loss of life ended too soon.
She thinks about his life with pride;

chokes at likeness in the son’s eyes,
the shape of his face, a soft moon.
She falls apart and feels her heart divide.
She thinks of those days with pride

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