Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Surge

The Surge

For fat politicians mired
in smelly muck like overfed
hogs wallowing in Washington waste,
“The Surge” is working.
A solipsism that anything outside
of the pigpen exists- no faces
behind the soldiers, or hearts beating
within families or children lost in
loneliness or wives woefully neglected
or Christmases forever past or arms, legs,
minds and lives eternally shattered.
I’m certain that if Dante were alive today,
he would reserve a special ring in the hellish fire
of his Inferno for these fat fuckers to roast
on a surging spit in their own juices.
Damn the politicians! Curse the lies!
Denounce the porkers! Send their sons
and daughters to Baghdad! We all can share
in the supreme sacrifice of “The Surge”.
Any volunteers? (Silence exits stage left}.

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