Sunday, April 06, 2008

Neither Famous nor Infamous

Neither Famous nor Infamous

They’ll never make a movie starring me.
Cantankerous, overweight, out of step
I don’t fit the star mode as you can see.

They’ll never name a school after me.
Non-conforming, impolitic, invisible
I’m out of tune with social philosophy

I'll never get the treasured Nobel Prize
or win a Grammy for my musical art
or cause tears to well-up in admiring eyes

as I receive a gold medal for my sport.
I’ll never be the most rich or famous or
listed on the FBI’s Most Wanted report

or celebrated for my great invention
or crowned a king at a coronation
or be the center of world attention

I can only settle for who I am,
a proud father and a man with
a stand living under God's plan.

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