Friday, May 29, 2009

A Letter After the Rain

A Letter After the Rain

I have tried many times
To tell you some things
and have failed:

life can be like a child-simple
and uncomplicated.

with its wounds, it
scales mountain after mountain
on slick ice.

the warm evening, gray
like a breeze, has persuaded
our old tired bodies
to protect each other.

when we try to believe everything
the believing muscles
of our minds soon tire,

and make us weak and we
don't believe the simplest
of truths then.
Simplicity is our survival.

I made coffee this morning,
and it rained last night. Today
along the palm-lined street
a southwest roadrunner-
but intent on its prey
scurried along the asphalt
like a frantic tourist
in a frenzy
without a road map.

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