Sunday, December 20, 2009

Snowbird Christmas

Snowbird Christmas

Cranky as the trailer's space heater,
I groan and grumble in pre-dawn chill,
wait for the coffee pot to finish playing
reveille to my numb mind.

Shuffling around the RV Park,
elderly snowbirds make mischief,
cackling like contented
chickens under the Arizona sun.

A grateful respite from grueling
gray cold fronts of Great Falls,
Saskatchewan, and Denver.
A time of celebration and decoration.

Christmas lights, ornaments, nativity
scenes, Wal-Mart Santas and reindeer,
a plastic Jesus or two adorn motorhomes,
trailers , old converted greyhounds.

Christmas Eve, wrinkled faces gather
in the clubhouse by the artificial tree,
reminiscing of Christmases past,
speaking of children in childish voices.

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