Thursday, November 10, 2005


Originally uploaded by hombreciego.


This is the season when friends gather
Around the hearth, the parlor, and table.
This is the time of changing weather

The trees transform, yellow elms, red maple
Autumn’s breathe blows, then sighs lovingly
Admires her work, bright orange and dark sable

Under a crimson sky; a portrait heavenly
Of nature’s brush, transient, a fall fable
Where breezes falter, start, move again evenly

Over the sea, across the ice, portend affable
Subtle change. A chill which lingers in the night
Under stars, with windy currents unstable

Imbues the being, and renovates October’s light
With icy glaze; we cease and continue as
Dead leaves, fertile mulch from winter’s blight

Flamboyant food of harvest’s repast
This is the season when friend’s gather
Around the hearth, the parlor, and table
This is the time of changing weather.

KBris 200s

1 comment:

Michael Dennis Mooney said...

the word "breathe" early on should be breath

many of the lines are one or two syllables too long, they need to
be tightened up, more compact

the overall piece needs to move
forward more fluidly to its

more clarity, more
fluidity of diction, more editing
are needed -- i'm not sure the subject, mulch, is worth all the
literary effort

mike mooney