Wednesday, October 18, 2006



Something always reminds of past things,
Preserves memory like taxidermy art
A face, a sound, a smell, familiar rings

Those things that tell again our hearts to sing
Uncommon words, unknown in every part.
Something always reminds of past things

A mother’s gentle touch, which to hope clings.
A father’s gruff voice, that gives sudden start
A face, a sound, a smell, familiar rings

Which bind and tie with childhood’s strings.
Dreams held steadfast within the hurting heart
Something always reminds of past things

The sudden surprise each new day brings
Restores the senses so long broken apart-
A face, a sound, a smell, familiar rings.

The moon, a bell, some perfume, magpie wings
Reflections in dreams of the sweet and tart
Something always reminds of past things
A face, a sound, a smell, familiar rings.

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