Monday, December 18, 2006

The Morning After

A Rondeau After the Morning After

Hon, it was nice to feel your warmth today.
You stoke me like blazing coals. I play
tunes, drink ale,  resistance of my nerve lulls
the deepest feelings from within. It pulls
like taffy. I shall cast aside dark thoughts,

embrace light. Live, laugh. Sip sweet draughts.
I drink away remnants of my desire.
I need: a warm bagel, hot coffee soothing my lips,
Hon. It was nice

pretending to be unchanged, you, same-
lying there, (You really have no blame
here) My last sip washes away the fire.
I pray that I once again feel your warmth
without sorrow- that tomorrow I’ll say,
Hon, it was nice.

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