Friday, January 12, 2007



They went too fast that fateful day

The car sped over clay and rocks

I saw her pray beneath the wreck

and pick glass from his neck. Sliver

shards , bloody specs like ladybugs

mixed with tears and hugs spackled

the tire’s lugs. Beneath the crush

a soft moaning, a flush of air, and then

the siren’s rush above the spill

the penetrating chill of fear,

certain thrill from death’s allure-

a gruesome guided tour of circumstance

like some poor pilgrim’s first sighting

of a scalping, bone-biting fear,

transparent lighting that reveals

oneself in dark that heals panic

against turning wheels of self-doubt,

glad when able to shout, It’s

not me!. It’s about the living-

alive, among the dead and dying.

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