Wednesday, January 24, 2007

An Alphabet Anthology

An Alphabet Anthology

The N's use the N-word
to describe their own
entities and jive jokes
using the H-word
in the name of comedy
to speak of my sister.

A Texas mayor in Hicksville
wants to make a new law-
a law of no N-words in the
H-tonks of the dusty bowl
of no N-lovers.

Senator Macaca forgot he
was a J and denied ever
Using the N-word at a frat party.
After all Jose was an S not an N.

In May all the N's, H's, J's, S's,
And even the G's grow in my
garden in perfect harmony and peace.

1 comment:

NATE said...

Interesting piece.
I like your writing style.

(incase you get's my blog)