Saturday, April 08, 2006

Items Found In the Salvation Army Thrift Shop

Items Found In the Salvation Army Thrift Shop

Perusing musty isles in the thrift shop
Fragments of strange histories appear
Unwanted items, each with a tale,
A message wrapped in time

Silicon breast implants, a coffin, a stuffed
Eagle, a jar of bull sperm, a fishing boat
An urn full of ashes; all price-tagged
Wait on shelves for treasure hunters

The most bizarre find, a life detector
For coffins carries a sign “For persons
Under doubt of being in a trance”. It
Looks like a giant ear trumpet.

Strewn artifacts, like dead souls hint
At eclectic proclivities long abandoned.
Vultures pick over the discarded carrion,
Left for dead along life’s roadside.
Smugly smiling, I load the back of the
Station wagon with my new didgeridoo
And stuffed porcupine.

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