Saturday, April 01, 2006

Lost Brother

Lost Brother

You never get enough, always half full
Or is it half empty, your insatiable thirst
Your dissatisfaction, a dog gnawing a
Meatless bone, sucking the last ort of
Marrow as if life itself was at stake.

Shunned by friends and family, who eons
Ago gave you up for Lent, you seek to renew
Your lust with strangers of like ilk. You can
Always find your reflection in the faces walking
Down the street. Faces with your discontent,

Your emptiness, seeking to fill a void. The scowls,
The hungry stares, the head swiveling from side
Side like a leery cat seeking its next meal.
Mannerisms that shout warnings to the wary.
Symptomatic, your infidelities, your lies reveal
The depth of your needs.

For years you’ve shunned rituals of other’s
Passages; birthdays, graduations, weddings, funerals
And you’ve followed your own selfish path.
You return old and alone, and tell me how
Sad you are. No one seems to have time for you.
Brother, you will never get enough.

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