We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for." ~ Professor Keating (Robin Williams) in "Dead Poet's Society"
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
My dotage, a fool’s infatuations spew
Forth like gurgling, geothermal geysers, run amok
As your bouncy, flouncy body sachets and
Surrounds my heart
Awakened from a dream, bleary-eyed, I gape
Transfixed at you, a fairy in Midsummer’s night
Lighter than air, magical, dancing among stars
Exquisite and bold
Extravagant passion, short-lived, my folly
At an age when embers have turned to ashes
And old men feed birds, recall from park benches
Yesterday’s stale news
Burning brightly, your sun shines through my window
Reflects off the girl with the fish, her smiling picture
Gold-framed, adorns the wall, and brings me bliss
Lights up the day
The cliché, “No fool like an old fool” rings true
Doesn’t matter much, changes nothing because
Each day with you, I feel brand new; immortal
Awake and renewed
Sunday, October 23, 2005
A Quest
Odd and reticent she is seldom willing
To reveal the tangled web of her emotion
Wily, sly, she’s followed her own salvation
Since the beginning
A world apart punctuates her storied life
Lonely sandcastles she builds, to be torn apart
By the cruelty of sibling rivalries
Envious and spiteful
Beaten by an abusive, boorish husband
Humiliated, benumbed, her goodly spirit
Muffled and muted, her brightest colors darkened
Her life a gray scale
Sons and daughters, dispassionate, turn away
To howl at the moon, mired with self-baggage
Bewildered and lost, sheep on a snowy mountain
Seeking the Shepard
Searching for solace, she queries everywhere
Curious, questing for real love’s Holy Grail
Explores high roads, low roads, no satisfaction
Finds empty spaces
Sometimes we like the quiet, sometimes we don’t
Hers, a lonely uninhabited planet
At times feels stark, unfriendly, deadly silent
Vicious and voiceless
Humorously, she defends her being; cosmic
Jokes, jumbled words frame her own unique language
Cryptic and macabre, designed to perplex
A crossword puzzle
Dangerous her poetry, confusing, surreal
Disguises obsessions, dark camouflage
Perplexes ordinary minds; an enigma
Cast in a shadow
Aging transforms, desensitizes the pain
Mellows the hurt, eases the old transgressions
Growing old is balm, salve for her tortured soul
Memories grow dim
Familiar agitations become stale
Encrusts with mold, unfit to eat or digest
Like poison mushrooms, only toxic if swallowed
She avoids eating
Kbris 2005
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Adios Amiga
Words fly, old venoms begin to inject,
Then diffuse, in petty, small lies, accuse me
Of treason, cheating and posing with my
Deceitful smugness
She screams; blood pressure begins to ascend
Then plunges as wild-unsteady vertigo, enkindles her
With red-faced rage, a descent into madness
Accusing; wretched
I don’t need to tell you about this lovely
Insane girl I’ve long been an ardent man of:
We were hooked up in a gentler time with
A loving spirit
We began as lovers, poignant, enamored
Filled with passion, bursting with blind pride
Wrapped up in each other like Christmas presents
Lost in each other
Times have changed; we sleep in anger and dream
Of places far away in separate worlds
Of unfulfilled promises and secret desires
A painful nail bed
Tomorrow I leave; she’s impossible
To live with, to sleep with, to do anything with.
She needs a new beginning, so do I
Far away from her
KBris 2005
Friday, October 21, 2005
Second Tour

Dedication Memorial Balad Iraq 2003
Originally uploaded by hombreciego.
Second Tour
Once again our soldier’s off to war
Once again we count the anxious days
Sad Days before he shuts the final door
On family, friends and normal ways
To fight for freedom in foreign lands
Once again we sleepwalk in a daze
And pray on bended knee with folded hands
For safe return of this dear boy of ours
Once again the winds of war have fanned
The fires of dark, infinite, fretful hours-
Once again our soldier’s off to war
KBris 2005

Originally uploaded by hombreciego.
The techno-man instructed me on how to podomize
"Tis simple" said he, to succeed, you need a podience
First you need a line of code, which I will soon devise.
The techno-man instructed me on how to podomize
Next you find a news reader that you can sodomize
To i-podsense your empty words to an mp-3 audience
The techno-man instructed me on how to podomize
"Tis simple" said he; to succeed you need a podience
Kbris 2004
Thanksgiving Mail Call

Thanksgiving Mail Call
Originally uploaded by hombreciego.
Thanksgiving Mail Call
Now is the season of families living
round the table, home and hearth
This is the blessing of Thanksgiving
Soldiers silent,with comrades set apart
Some read letters, stop, read again… of time
round the table, home and hearth
of moms and dads; they do not opine
about war, in the gritty desert storm;
Some read letters, stop, read again… of time
among old friends, brothers, sisters… a swarm
of love. Warmed by the heat of radiant fire
they find war, in the gritty desert storm
Rudely awakened by the rockets red glare,
faraway from the peace of home and hearth
the desert is heated by radiant fire.
On hold, the reverie of joyful hearts.
Now is the season when heroes are living,
faraway from the peace of home and hearth
This is the reality of Thanksgiving.
...Kbris 2005
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Puzzle Pieces
Puzzle pieces, chaotic fragments
Take shape within a boundary
Loose rules dictate form, contour
Piece by piece order replaces chaos
Takes shape within a boundary
A tidy map fills a space
Piece by piece order replaces chaos
Imports meaning to disarray
A tidy map fills a space
Rendered from the mind’s stream
Imports meaning to disarray
Structures agonistic anarchy
Rendered from the mind’s stream
A poet’s rules, boundaries set in shifting sand
Structures agonistic anarchy
Finds lost pieces, completes the puzzle
A poet’s rules, boundaries set in shifting sand
Contours flotsam and jetsam of reality’s riddles
Finds lost pieces, completes the puzzle
Piece by piece, order replaces chaos
KBris 2005
Burning Piano

Burning Piano
Originally uploaded by hombreciego.
The Burning Piano
Melodic flames erupt like an ancient volcano
As the dispassionate father feeds the fire
Incinerates to ash the burning piano
His child’s teary voice, vocalizes shrieking soprano
Laments melting keys, in the crackling funeral pyre
Unmerciful flames erupt like an ancient volcano
Chants a requiem to the Top Banana
Expressionless, his white rage and ire
Incinerates to ash the burning piano.
He once shot her dog on the farm in Montana
In a flap, blasted out the old Ford’s tires
Discordant flames erupt like an ancient volcano
Excused by his aged mom as a “plain ol
Country boy”…unlike those other liars
Incinerates to ash the burning piano
Broods like a man overdosed on oregano
Fancies himself a grand stunt-flyer
Bitter flames erupt like an ancient volcano
Incinerates to ash the burning piano.
Heroes Among Us
Tragic darkness intensifies the light
Bright minds rise to angry occasion
Wars, storms, famines require persuasion
Heroes rise from bloody carnage to fight
Deep sinister blows dealt by nature’s blight
Brave hearts ascend the soul’s invasion,
Swiftly swooping downward, birds of suasion
Carry hope, messenger pigeons in the night
A flight for life amidst the dreadful strife
Purifying nature’s inundation
A rallying cry restores normal life
Caresses every child, husband and wife
Each glorifies the American Nation
Kbris 2005
_La Vida Amorosa

Originally uploaded by hombreciego.
La Vida Amorosa
We banter in fragments, uncertain, as the words
slowly tumble in hesitant, often apologetic phrases
We, unsure of the new direction, fearful of the dark path
hypnotically leading us to bliss or destruction
Slowly, we tumble in hesitant, often apologetic phrases
Lives torn by the ghosts of yesterday's traumas
Hypnotically leading us to bliss or destruction
Tender touches change our dread of commitment.
Lives torn by the ghosts of yesterday's traumas
Fragile ice on a winter pond, hesitant kisses,
touches, change our dread of commitment
as our bodies shudder in unforeseen passion.
Fragile ice on a winter pond, hesitant kisses
intertwined tongues melt our frozen resolve
Bodies shudder in unforeseen passion.
We release as reflected mirror images
Desire unthaws our frozen resolve
We Banter in fragments uncertain of words
Released like reflected mirror images.
Unsure the direction, fearful the path
Wily Widow

Wily Widow
Originally uploaded by hombreciego.
The Wily Widow
A cunning fox, the shiny spider spins
A deadly web…ensnares unsuspecting prey
Within sticky filaments, captivates enthralled quarry
With lushly disguised stark beauty
A deadly web…ensnares unsuspecting prey
A self-seeking woman, she twirls the trap.
With lushly disguised stark beauty
Her black widow's hourglass, marks lethal time
A self-seeking woman, she twirls the trap
Beguiles her victims with toxic charm
Her black widow's hourglass, marks lethal time
Smothers the duped with poisonous stings
Beguiles her victims with toxic charm
Lures lost lovers addicted to her snare
Smothers the duped with poisonous stings
Futile false promises attest fatality
Lures lost lovers, addicted to her snare
Transfixed, hypnotic comeliness deceives
Futile false promises attest fatality
A cunning fox, the shiny spider spins …
a deadly web.
KBris 2004
Scented Candle

Scented Candle
Originally uploaded by hombreciego.
A Scented Candle
A scented candle, her fragrance permeates
Opens the senses, illuminates dark paths.
A shaft of light stimulates neurons,
Flickers between the known and the unknown
Opens the senses, illuminates dark paths
An elegant taper liquefies, melts, shines
Flickers between the known and the unknown
Casts sensual shadows from darkness
An elegant taper, liquefies, melts, shines
The rigid candelabra’s softened shaft
Casts sensual shadows from darkness
Rays, pixilated; primitive urges
The rigid candelabra’s softened shaft
Oozes dripping, insoluble hot wax.
Rays, pixilated; primitive urges.
Disclose a lover’s deepest secrets
Oozing dripping, insoluble hot wax,
Stimulates sensitive motor neurons
Discloses a lover’s deepest secrets.
A scented candle, she permeates the being.
Kbris 2004

Originally uploaded by hombreciego.
A curly Shirley Temple double
Expressive eyes betray her inner lust
A wry smile displays experience
far beyond the innocent façade
Expressive eyes betray her inner lust
Divulge furtive fervor, unmask the fire
Far beyond the innocent façade
Burning deeply within the bosom
Divulge furtive fervor, unmask the fire,
Fingers probe, fan the embers of passion
Burning deeply within the bosom
Celestial strokes strum divine music
Fingers probe, fan the embers of passion
Intensify the combustive flames
Celestial strokes strum divine music
Blissful paroxysms placate desire
Intense flames of explosive combustion
A blaze, ignited from a tiny spark
Blissful paroxysms placate desire
Within the Shirley Temple Double.
KBris 2004
Homecoming Convoy

Homecoming Convoy
Originally uploaded by hombreciego.
Homecoming Convoy
Restless iron horses,war weary cannons
Roll swiftly across the dusty desert.
Abandon battle, unspeakable memories.
Paled riders; fatigued frayed soldiers
Roll swiftly across the dusty desert
Leave behind bloodshed of war.
Paled riders; fatigued frayed soldiers
Bypass unsullied iron horses
Leave behind bloodshed of war
Unvoiced tears of fallen comrades
Bypass untested iron horses,
Comatose, the survivor's guilt
Unvoiced tears of fallen comrades
Dampen the homecoming elation
Comatose, the survivor's guilt
A surreal dreamscape haunts.
Diminishes the homecoming elation
A convoy of consideration ensues
A surreal dreamscape haunts,
Abandons battle,unspeakable memories
KBris 2004
Great Falls High

Originally uploaded by hombreciego.
Great Falls High
Evergreens cushion the old school from harsh winter
Her ivy-league façade displays a bygone era
Moves memories, echoes vanished voices.
She reminds of deep Montana roots.
Her ivy-league façade displays a bygone era
Long-gone from empty halls, aging pupils
She reminds of deep Montana roots
Spreads her magical mists far and wide
Long-gone from empty halls, aging pupils,
Old Bisons hold onto her shadow
Spread her magical mists far and wide
Hear faint cheers from the old coliseum
Old Bisons hold onto her shadow
Hoof beats impress the historic trail, as
Faint cheers from the old coliseum
Stir nostalgic tears of adoring alums
Hoof beats impress the historic trail
Fragments of forgotten stories reappear.
Stir nostalgic tears of adoring alums
Moves memories, echoes vanished voices.
Kbris 2004
Artichoke Heart

Originally uploaded by hombreciego.
Artichoke Heart
A peeled artichoke, her self-image erodes
Stripped away, leaf by leaf
Exposes a naked, sumptuous heart
Vulnerable to vicious consumption
Stripped away, leaf by leaf
The fragile soul bombarded by attacks
Vulnerable to vicious consumption
Protects itself with a cosmic dance
The fragile soul bombarded by attacks
Hides in the madness of comedic profanity
Protects itself with a cosmic dance
Skillfully masks the painful truth
Hides in the madness of comedic profanity
Infuses sanity into the mainstream
Skillfully masks the painful truth
Refuses to melt into nothingness
Infuses sanity into the mainstream
The exposed, sumptuous, naked heart
Refuses to melt into nothingness
A peeled artichoke, her self-image erodes
...Kbris 2004
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Night Vision

Originally uploaded by hombreciego.
Night Vision
Hovering silently above desolate sand
The predatory Blackhawk observes its prey,
Turbaned men scurry about the desert floor
Unaware of ghostly-green night eyes
The predatory Blackhawk observes its prey
Tracks each movement, poised to swiftly kill
Unaware of ghostly green night eyes
Sunnis plant deadly bombs, the lethal bird
Tracks each movement, poised to swiftly kill
Sights lock and load, on shadowy Arabs
Sunnis plant deadly bombs, the lethal bird
Delivers death and heavenly virgins
Sights lock and load, on shadowy Arabs
They plant rockets in the soft, silent soil
To realize the promise of virgins,
Clueless of useless, unseen swift death
They plant rockets in the soft, silent soil
Turbaned men scurry about the desert floor
Clueless of useless, unseen swift death
They are vaporized on desolate sand
Kbris 2004
sea anemone
A sea anemone contracts at danger
Shuts out intimacy, isolates
Receptive circuits shut down
Shields from enemy’s harm
Shut out from intimacy, isolated
Her eyes, ears, mouth, nose, fingers
Protect from hostile attacks
Separate from physical surroundings
Her eyes, ears, mouth, nose, fingers
Close to sensations beyond the self
Separate from physical surroundings
Numb the sentient feelers
Closed to sensations beyond the self
Encapsulated, she suffers detachment
Numb are the sentient feelers
Receptors of love, trust, emotion
Encapsulated, she suffers detachment
Withdraws from life’s rough touches
A Sea anemone contracts at danger
Shielded from enemy’s harm
Edgy, he leaves early to avoid traffic
Snipers lurk behind buildings and billboards
Diesel fumes trigger nightmarish flashbacks
Fling him back into the horror of his acts
Snipers lurk behind buildings and billboards
Hears the dying woman’s last bloody breath
Flings him back into the horror of his acts
Medicates his tears on the busy freeway
Hears the dying woman’s last bloody breath
Rigid beside her child’s charred corpse
Medicates his tears on the busy freeway
“I should have freaking died over there,” he sobs
Rigid beside her child’s charred corpse
Images of his daughters flood the mind
“I should have freaking died over there”, he sobs
Intractable pain stiffens his soldier’s body
Images of his daughters flood the mind
Diesel fumes trigger nightmarish flashbacks
Intractable pain stiffens his soldier’s body
Edgy, he leaves early to avoid traffic
Beneath the ancient caldera
Hibernates the dormant dragon
Bubbles from the Mesozoic era
Beneath the ancient caldera
Gases infuse the hideous chimera
Long suppressed the primeval gorgon
Beneath the ancient caldera
Hibernates the dormant dragon
Multitudes watch Old faithful blow
World- wonder of nature’s splendors
A remnant from a long time ago
Multitudes watch Old Faithful blow
Primordial volcanic overflow
Every puff not a storm engenders
Multitudes watch old faithful blow
World-wonder of nature’s splendors
Inimitable Yellowstone, the nation’s park
Symbol of spaces, wild and free
A stark, geological question mark
Super volcanic, a strange quark
Deaf to the howl of winter’s bark
Silent of what’s going to be
Inimitable Yellowstone, the nation’s park
Symbol of spaces wild and free
Evolution tracked from outer space
Warnings sound apocalyptic alarms
Destruction of the human race
Evolution tracked from outer space
Civilization gone without a trace
Unleashed fury with spelling charms
Evolution tracked from outer space
Warnings sound apocalyptic alarms
Beneath the ancient caldera
Hibernates the dormant dragon
Bubbles from the Mesozoic era
Beneath the ancient caldera
Gases infuse the hideous chimera
Long suppressed the primeval gorgon
Beneath the ancient caldera
Hibernates the dormant dragon
KBris 2005
A Never-Ending Process
Friday, October 07, 2005
Divergent paths impress dissimilar
Experience determines development
An untended garden overruns with bitter weeds
A father cannot forsake the necessity of nurturing
Experience determines development
An irrigated flower blossoms
A father cannot forsake the necessity of nurturing
Tenderly tended seedlings precede adult blooms
An irrigated flower blossoms
Cultivated with love and care
Tenderly tended seedlings precede adult blooms
Watered with tears of joy and sorrow
Cultivated with love and care
The marigold does not envy the rose’s fragrance
Watered with tears of joy and sorrow
Each to each their own scent
The marigold does not envy the rose’s fragrance
The adult does not covet lost childhood
A father cannot forsake the necessity of nurturing
An untended garden overruns with bitter weeds
Kbris 2005
Mountain Volcano
A mountain volcano shakes the desert floor
Stirs the fragile tectonic plates of passion
In a bat cave old flying bats rise and soar
A mountain volcano shakes the desert floor
A cyber quake as never felt before
Thick lava spurts and flows in unseemly fashion
A mountain volcano shakes the desert floor
Stirs the fragile tectonic plates of passion
K Bris 2005
She left you, and will leave once more
If your old ways remain the same
She won’t be treated like a common whore
She left you, and will leave once more
Just confess, how you abhor
The affair, those lies, your shame.
She left you, and will leave once more
KBris 2004
Vulgarious Hootarious
The Devil makes me vulgarious hootarious
Yahoos the sly girl, comedic and wicked
Satan’s avatar cackling from the bright screen
Entices improper deeds from fragile foes
Yahoos the sly girl, comedic and wicked
Discomforted by the horny purple visage
Enticing improper deeds from fragile foes
Incites her evil interior, quiescent beneath the surface
Discomforted by the horny purple visage
An objective correlative of the mind’s demons
Incites her evil interior, quiescent beneath the surface
Exhorts her new to love beat it. A meaty, needy affair
An objective correlative of the minds demons
Offbeat words and phrases surface from Never Never Land
St. George, the Dragon Slayer’s ghost re-appears
Exhorts her new love to beat it, a meaty, needy affair
Offbeat words and phrases surface from Never, Never Land
Comedic eruptions, earthy, improper, naughty
The Devil makes her vulgarious hootarious
Satan’s avatar cackling from the bright screen
Kbris 2005
Time Alone
Time alone is time well spent
A respite from cares and woes
A time to soothe the discontent
Time alone is time well spent
To heal the pain of torment
To sniff the summer damask rose
Time alone is time well spent
A respite from cares and woes.
Kbris 2005
Two Strangers
You told me your sorrow and I told you mine
Our clouded eyes masking the light,
Two strangers frozen in a capsule of time
Words eased with pungent red wine
Revealed the horror of that terrible night
You told me your sorrow and I told you mine
I recalled the pain of my horrible time
While our gazes met in an awful fright
Two strangers, frozen in a capsule of time
You smiled at me, compassionate and kind.
A moment's relief from my psyche's blight
You told me your sorrow and I told you mine
Desperate stories of a different kind;
Neither of us wrong nor right
Two strangers frozen in a capsule of time
Fused together on a common vine
We sought solace from a shared plight,
You told me your sorrow and I told you mine
Two strangers, frozen in a capsule of time.
A jealous heart discerns not reason
A venomous viper, envy repels
It knows no hour, week, nor season
Broken vows amount to treason
A dragon’s wrath one cannot quell
A jealous heart discerns not reason
An enraged mind accepts no pleasing
Spews acerbic words from anger hell
It knows no hour, week, nor season
A witches’ potion of toxic poison
Erupts without a warning bell
A jealous heart discerns not reason
Invidious spirits tolerate no teasing
Enraged they cast a magic spell
They know no hour, week, or season
Angry, cantankerous they imprison
Friends and lovers in a toxic cell
A jealous heart discerns not reason
It knows no hour, week, nor season
Kbris 2005
The Neighbor
His manhood wanes
He forever complains
Flaccid, angry, abusive
Explosive, temperamental, effusive
He ingests Viagra
to recapture Niagara
Where the betrothal vows
Echo beneath the falls aloud
His vigor gone, He can’t get it on
Porn fills his screen dusk to dawn
A voyeuristic spectator unable to act
With the Devil he’s made a pact
A spiritual wasteland his life
Unrecognized by a puzzled wife
Surly, dispassionate, sleeps in his chair
Slowly erodes without worry or care
Begins his day with a cyber chat
Instant messages “Miss Pussycat”
Graphic exchanges fromYahooland
Describe fantasies out of hand
A seedy desert motel liaison
Came, went, is gone
Deplorable degree of dissatisfaction
Repugnant their physical attraction
The void is deep and bleak
Purpose lost, nothing to seek
Cyber love a strange illusion
Suicidal musings contribute confusion
His manhood wanes
He forever complains
Flaccid, angry, abusive
Explosive, temperamental, effusive
Kbris 2005
"What to make of a diminished thing?"....paraphrase of Robert Frost's "Ovenbird"
posted by
Old Man
An old man mustn’t feel like this
In the prison of her hands
Hard, heart pounding, full of bliss
Radiant heat oozing from each kiss
Exploding rockets and marching bands
An old man mustn’t feel like this
Decorum lost in love’s abyss
No sane soul will understand
Hard, heart pounding, full of bliss
An old fool they swiftly dismiss
Dealt a bad beat poker hand
An old man mustn’t feel like this
When wagging tongues snarl and hiss
He smiles when folks misunderstand
Hard, heart pounding, full of bliss
Within a burning flame exists
Natural, impulsive and unplanned
Hard, heart pounding, full of bliss
An old man mustn’t feel like this
KBris 2005
Words Fail
You are a poem, which is why
A better one I cannot write
Written words fail me as I try
To find a phrase which strives to
Capture beauty that delights
Echo sounds of your soft sighs
Touch your lovely supple thighs
Record the groans of passionate nights
Written words fail me as I try
To pen the sadness of your tears
That moves my heart to greater heights
You are a poem, which is why
Compelled, I cannot tell a lie, or
Pretend to shine a perfect light
Written words fail me as I try
To describe the passion in your eyes
Fill my senses with your delight
Written words fail me as I try
You are a poem, which is why.
KBris 2005
Subtle Changes
With the morning light comes change
Yesterday’s thoughts but fading memories
What seemed important feels strange
Under the mind’s eye at close range
The agony of overstepped boundaries
With the morning light comes change
From divergent views normalcy deranges
Transforms simplicity into anomalies
What seemed important feels strange
A fettered spirit dares not exchange
Words of freedom, address generalities
With the morning light comes change
Delicate balance befalls challenge
Subtle phrases resolve contraries
What seemed important feels strange
Distorted facts and memories rearranged
A haunting flute’s strange melodies
With the morning light comes change
What seemed important feels strange
The Farm Wife
Alone, ashamed of bruises, hot tears on her cheek
quietly sobbing, the battered farm wife, recalls the rage
unleashed by her beloved man, once loving and meek
Winces from pain in her tiny body; a sparrow in a cage
Quietly sobbing, the battered farm wife recalls the rage
blames herself. a victim of her own failures
Winces from pain in her tiny body; a sparrow in a cage
Sees her children's tortured faces, frozen with fear
Blames herself; a victim of her own failures
Dreads his return from the lonely field
Sees her children's tortured faces, frozen with fear
unable to recall the first blow; a blank slate
dreads his return from the lonley field
paralyzed by flooding fear
unable to recall the first blow. a blank slate
Silently waiting the new night's terror
Paralyzed by flooding fear
Unleashed by her beloved man, once loving and meek
Silently waiting the new night's terror
Alone, ashamed of bruises, hot tears on her cheek
KBris 2004
Imbecile Recluse
Always nibbling the imbecile recluse
Is no truck driver, but a crazy poet
Churning rhymes, a wiggly-squiggly Dr. Seuss
Always nibbling the imbecile recluse
A fool, a blockhead, a maniac on the loose
His calm demeanor doesn’t show it
Always nibbling the imbecile recluse
Is no truck driver, but a crazy poet
KBris 2005
Fog blankets my thoughts
Dreams cast in a shadow
Protects from evil my fragile soul
Obscures the lingering gloom
Dreams cast in a shadow
Hides away torment from prying eyes
Obscures the lingering gloom
Covertly clouds my secret
Hides away from prying eyes
Clandestine turmoil of chaos
Covertly clouds my secret
Sinister impulses of a tortured mind
Clandestine turmoil of chaos
Overshadows scars of grief
Sinister impulses of a tortured mind
Shelter a wandering spirit gone astray
Overshadows scars of grief
Masks sorrow with an unclear vapor
Protects from evil my fragile soul as
The fog blankets my thoughts
KBris 2005
Musical Genesis
An acoustic filter, the womb preserves
Intonations of a mother's speech. Thus,
the brain learns to hear speech as a melody,
long before the dawn of nativity.
The intonations of a mother’s speech
A symphony of uterine sounds which
Long before the dawn of nativity
Infuse the babe with divine music
A symphony of uterine sounds quiver as
Heavenly harp cords, angelically strummed
Infuse the babe with divine music
Acapellic fetal tones inspire love
Heavenly harp cords, angelically strummed
Calm the chaos of prenatal agitation
Acapellic fetal tones inspire love
Await the beginning of new life
Calm the chaos of prenatal agitation
An acoustic filter, the womb preserves melodies,
Awaits the beginning of new life
Long before the dawn of nativity.
KBris 2004
My Daddy
My daddy, my daddy I will please you
My daddy, my daddy, I will ease you
My daddy, my daddy, I will tease you
With my wiles and my smiles
With my styles and my guiles
My daddy, my daddy, I will obey you
My daddy, my daddy, I will play you
My daddy, my daddy, I will bait you
With my fears and my tears
With my cheers and my dears
My daddy, my daddy, my rock and roll
My daddy, my daddy you make me whole
My daddy, my daddy, from head to toe
You touched my groove and saved my soul
Another Art
The art of winning isn’t hard to master
So often energy becomes diffused
To stay the swift from running faster
Play mind games everyday. Allow small disasters
Or life’s bad beats, the times when you lose.
The art of winning isn’t hard to master
Then focus running farther, running faster
Races and games; re-kindle the fuse
To dream. Stay the course, shun disaster
I conquered cancer’s race, Oh Boy! My past, or
Almost past, my life again to choose
The art of winning isn’t hard to master
I won two trophies, golden things. And mastered
Some lifelong dreams, two contests, small clues.
Placed on a shelf of alabaster
Even losing you (your willful choice, a gesture
I hated.) You shouldn’t have lied. From my view
The art of winning isn’t hard to master
The pain of losing you is no disaster!
KBris 2005
A soup-stained soiled shirt the poet’s
pen shamefully scribes
loathing and love
denials and doubts
wrinkles, vigils and dreams
Corrals shocks of encounter as
a cowboy clasps
a wild Brahma
in a bucking chute
afraid, excited, brave
Impure words and phrases pour
Through floodgates unfiltered
Raw sewage and seraphim
Share the flotsam of poem
KBris 2005