Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Artichoke Heart

Originally uploaded by hombreciego.

Artichoke Heart

A peeled artichoke, her self-image erodes
Stripped away, leaf by leaf
Exposes a naked, sumptuous heart
Vulnerable to vicious consumption

Stripped away, leaf by leaf
The fragile soul bombarded by attacks
Vulnerable to vicious consumption
Protects itself with a cosmic dance

The fragile soul bombarded by attacks
Hides in the madness of comedic profanity
Protects itself with a cosmic dance
Skillfully masks the painful truth

Hides in the madness of comedic profanity
Infuses sanity into the mainstream
Skillfully masks the painful truth
Refuses to melt into nothingness

Infuses sanity into the mainstream
The exposed, sumptuous, naked heart
Refuses to melt into nothingness
A peeled artichoke, her self-image erodes

...Kbris 2004

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