Friday, October 07, 2005



Divergent paths impress dissimilar
Experience determines development
An untended garden overruns with bitter weeds
A father cannot forsake the necessity of nurturing

Experience determines development
An irrigated flower blossoms
A father cannot forsake the necessity of nurturing
Tenderly tended seedlings precede adult blooms

An irrigated flower blossoms
Cultivated with love and care
Tenderly tended seedlings precede adult blooms
Watered with tears of joy and sorrow

Cultivated with love and care
The marigold does not envy the rose’s fragrance
Watered with tears of joy and sorrow
Each to each their own scent

The marigold does not envy the rose’s fragrance
The adult does not covet lost childhood
A father cannot forsake the necessity of nurturing
An untended garden overruns with bitter weeds

Kbris 2005

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