Originally uploaded by hombreciego.
La Vida Amorosa
We banter in fragments, uncertain, as the words
slowly tumble in hesitant, often apologetic phrases
We, unsure of the new direction, fearful of the dark path
hypnotically leading us to bliss or destruction
Slowly, we tumble in hesitant, often apologetic phrases
Lives torn by the ghosts of yesterday's traumas
Hypnotically leading us to bliss or destruction
Tender touches change our dread of commitment.
Lives torn by the ghosts of yesterday's traumas
Fragile ice on a winter pond, hesitant kisses,
touches, change our dread of commitment
as our bodies shudder in unforeseen passion.
Fragile ice on a winter pond, hesitant kisses
intertwined tongues melt our frozen resolve
Bodies shudder in unforeseen passion.
We release as reflected mirror images
Desire unthaws our frozen resolve
We Banter in fragments uncertain of words
Released like reflected mirror images.
Unsure the direction, fearful the path
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