Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Homecoming Convoy

Homecoming Convoy
Originally uploaded by hombreciego.

Homecoming Convoy

Restless iron horses,war weary cannons
Roll swiftly across the dusty desert.
Abandon battle, unspeakable memories.
Paled riders; fatigued frayed soldiers

Roll swiftly across the dusty desert
Leave behind bloodshed of war.
Paled riders; fatigued frayed soldiers
Bypass unsullied iron horses

Leave behind bloodshed of war
Unvoiced tears of fallen comrades
Bypass untested iron horses,
Comatose, the survivor's guilt

Unvoiced tears of fallen comrades
Dampen the homecoming elation
Comatose, the survivor's guilt
A surreal dreamscape haunts.

Diminishes the homecoming elation
A convoy of consideration ensues
A surreal dreamscape haunts,
Abandons battle,unspeakable memories

KBris 2004

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