Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Puzzle Pieces

Puzzle Pieces

Puzzle pieces, chaotic fragments
Take shape within a boundary
Loose rules dictate form, contour
Piece by piece order replaces chaos

Takes shape within a boundary
A tidy map fills a space
Piece by piece order replaces chaos
Imports meaning to disarray

A tidy map fills a space
Rendered from the mind’s stream
Imports meaning to disarray
Structures agonistic anarchy

Rendered from the mind’s stream
A poet’s rules, boundaries set in shifting sand
Structures agonistic anarchy
Finds lost pieces, completes the puzzle

A poet’s rules, boundaries set in shifting sand
Contours flotsam and jetsam of reality’s riddles
Finds lost pieces, completes the puzzle
Piece by piece, order replaces chaos

KBris 2005

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