We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for." ~ Professor Keating (Robin Williams) in "Dead Poet's Society"
Sunday, December 30, 2007
To Be Happy
you do not need to be
converted or even
Trust your senses-
Your common sense
your innate sense
Of justice.
Be loyal to your family
Your clan, your friends-
Your community (Let the
Nation-state go hang itself!)
Defend the stupid, the crazy.
Love the earth, the sun,
the animals. Avoid endless
disquisitions of suburban
hocus-pocus, Toyota dealers,
self –loathing intellectuals,
male predation, lesbians
in bearskins-embrace Jesus-
Oppose injustice
Defy the powerful
And speak for the voiceless.
Follow your star.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Benazir Bhutto, In Memoriam, December 27, 2007
In Rawalpindi her ashes glow
The dying embers burning low
To mark a martyr’s final breath
To serve her country to the death
Her spirit survives this fatal blow.
She is gone. One short day ago
She lived, smelled flowers, was the main show,
Adored and was adored, and now she’s dead
In Rawalpindi
Carry on her war against the foe:
Wherever freedom needs to flow
Her legacy yours, hold it high.
Her death must be your battle cry
You must not slumber, while ashes glow
In Rawalpindi.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Faux Pro
Nowadays he wears a cap-
always with "Titleist" above
the flap. Each day a different color; coded
like a drawer full of lady’s inscribed panties.
Mondays are green, Tuesdays yellow, Wednesdays
Red, Thursdays blue, Fridays Orange,
Saturdays mauve and Sundays purple {for
the Sabbath). His shirts match his caps.
To look the part describes his art. He fools
some of the people, some of the time. His
is a supreme sublime, his colors always rhyme.
He’s a sycophantic mime
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Chicken Dinner
She placed it flat on an old tree stump
after wringing its neck.
Limp, it flopped around like a
beached trout. Whack! Grandma’s
ax chopped the young rooster’s head.
clean off .“They don’t feel
nothing,” she said. Still twitching
she dropped the thing in a boiling pot
of water as I ran into to the farmhouse
bawling like a baby. Got no sympathy
from granddad who told me not to worry,
dinner will be ready pretty soon. Besides
“They don‘t feel nothing.”
Memory of the Mint
When I visit the Russell museum
Where Charlie’s paintings hang,
I become ten again, selling the
Great Falls Leader to the cowboys
playing poker, puffing cigars
in Central Avenue’s Mint Bar,
“Waiting for the Chinook”
to thaw their hearts before they
die like the starving antelope
In the smoked-stained Russell
painting hanging crookedly
Above bottles of whiskey, gin and
vodka. Passed out at the end of the
bar an old Blackfoot sloshes
through the snowy mountains
on his painted pony dragging
a deer carcass, dreaming of the thaw.
I can hear my child’s voice calling out
“Leader Fall’s paper, read all about it,
Paper mister?” I hear the curator’s voice,
“Closing time” and like frozen ice in the
warm Chinook wind the memory disappears.
Monday, December 24, 2007
The Old Man's Advice
Grandfather said, follow your bliss
Don’t be afraid of snakes in the weeds
A golden rule that can’t miss
Grandfather said, follow your bliss.
Don’t be deterred by that and this
Be happy in thoughts, words, and deeds
Grandfather said, follow your bliss-
Fulfill your wishes, dreams and needs
Sunday, December 23, 2007
A Holiday for the Rest of Us
Today December 23rd is Festivus
A holiday for the rest of us
A relief from times that get the best of us
far away to the east and west of us.
Trying times that create a test of us
that zaps the vital juice and zest of us.
Today, December 23rd , we celebrate Festivus.
Please make no demands or requests of us.
Today we walk among the blessed of us.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
A Fish to Remember
Drifting the float at first light,
half asleep when a bright steelhead
mouths the jig and violently
dunks the bobber and lunges
clear out of the water. Walks, it seems
across the riffles, then splashes and disappears.
Line limp, I stare into the water as if
a ghost had just appeared. Well, it did.
And it occurred without witness.
I take this apparition with me everywhere,
Wherever I go. Even in my dreams at night.
Even out here in Nevada,
in the great, arid southwestern desert- my
home now. When I contemplate the river
and the loss decades ago, I’m amazed
how vivid the memory of a singular moment
of a fish flashing furiously then disappearing.
At night, asleep I listen to the river
and the splash at first light, over and over again.
Friday, December 21, 2007
He played in the dirt.
In the sand.
In the weeds.
Or in someone else's grounds.
He played in cars, buses, in merry-go-rounds.
Played at night.
Played in the farm yard,
Played in Hussman's Billiard Parlor.
He played by the river.
By the falls.
In the A&W root beer place.
Played in a Cadillac, and in an old truck.
Played in churches.
In prison.
In girl's hearts.
He played in rail cars, and once, in Madrid.
Played in the snow.
In the freezing sleet, he played.
On snowshoes.
He played on stairs, brothels, sleazy hovels.
He played eccentric music all of his life.
Now he plays in a wooden box.
Plays on and on.
Like a naughty boy
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Christmas Memories
Tears fall and the river rises.
Today the memories warm me rather
Than break my heart.
Years and years of memories,
all my loved ones past
come together at Christmas.
Tiny children opening presents.
Oh the joy! How to possibly
recreate that, now that I am old?
I know! I'll have kids again! Not!
When the tears fall and the river rises,
I remember the reason for the season.
It’s not about me or my memories-
that soothing life-saving force.
What is Christmas all about?
Fear not, and think on this!
-And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold,
I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.
And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
Glory to God in the highest, on earth peace, good will toward men.
And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven,
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Christmas Week at Squaw Beach
We followed bear tracks
through the snow
to the fishy green
water’s edge
and found them there-
the first winter steelhead,
lice-laden, ocean-fresh,
Kamalopsis wilderness
Rogue natives unaware
of the lurking lures. “Tis’
the season to be jolly”,
my partner whispered.
“Ho, Ho, Ho”, I replied.
December 2007
December, and everywhere the first
of the Christmas spirits
have arrived again.
Snow fills the sky with coldness
What’s missing here? Sleds, children’s voices,
and the yellow lab not far from my easy chair.
A hearth warmed by Douglas fir. And even now
ringing in the memory, invisible faces
inexplicably appearing .
Bing Crosby’s “Silent Night”
plays on the radio.
I listen with my mind far away.
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Grandma Always Said
December is fruitcake weather
time to crack a bowl of nuts
and have a little get-together
lollygag in shopping malls
decorate the walls with heather.
December is fruitcake weather
when all the nuts gather.
Friday, December 07, 2007
A Page
Life is simply a page
a brief stage- markings on
the gauge of time
which neither rhyme nor
Supreme Sublime ever elucidate.
In the wait, the questioning
of great minds always fails
in the details of swirling wind-
strong gales, questions of belief,
blindness without relief, like
a thief in the night
undetected, without light
A slight silent awakening.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
On the coast there's fog
Always wet fog, not just today.
Uneven whitecaps endless misty
Waves in the ghostly vapor spewing breath.
Rain is still falling at the end of May.
Fish begin to spawn in early July.
And here am I, alone by the tide pool,
Searching and searching, but I can't find myself.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Salvation Army Donation Box
When the SUVs pulled up
to the Salvation Army
donation box at Wal-Mart
I felt proud of Americans-
generous people, caring
folks, sharing abundant wealth.
Unselfishly bighearted
liberals driving shiny new
Toyatas, Escalades, Jeeps,
Humvees, Navigators-
all manner of high-end
expensive flashy rides.
Then weirdly, I noticed that
most would take instead of give-
rummaging like wharf rats
through piles of donated stuff-
clothing, electronics, cookbooks,
broken dolls, space heaters, an
array of eitchen midden-
a mound of domestic refuse,
a muckheap of human waste
passed on to the needy.
Like scavengers in a Tijuana
landfill, they’d quietly steal
away their new- found treasures
in the bowels of their shiny
cars and sneak away. I guess
the rich have always stolen
from the poor at Christmas time.
Saturday, December 01, 2007
When the Neighborhood Bully was Sentenced
If we’re patient of ordinary things-
like a baby’s cry, or elderly ladies
slowly blocking the supermarket
isles, or deaf old men needing repetitions
of simple words or directions, or wives
burning our Sunday dinners, perhaps there’s
hope for us yet.
The patience of ordinary things is not
a given, a birthright; it is an art
learned at the apron strings of a kindly
grandmother, or in a fishing boat
listening to the gentle voice of a dad
guiding us through worm-threading
lessons. It’s a gift that not everyone
The patience of ordinary things is
intricately tied to words like kindness,
consideration, love, courtesy, reverence-
boy scout kind of words, words never thought
of in my neighbor’s household. Theirs was a
house of the impatience of ordinary things-
rudeness, yelling, bullying, arguing. No one
was surprised when John went to prison for
crippling Martha- his wife over a shirt stain.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Working for the Old Man
Today it rains, the old man’s snoring
Dreary day, cold and boring
Just sitting, staring through the glass
Time to get up off my lazy ass
There’s much work to be done
Forget about last night’s fun
And the beautiful red-haired lass
Time to get up off my lazy ass
The pub last night a raucous crowd
We drank; we danced, stomped out loud
Got a little drunk and full of sass
Time to get up off my lazy ass
Dreaming of Shirley, Alice and Anne
Won’t put bacon in the frying pan
The old man’s waking, passing gas
I’d better get up off my lazy ass
Sunday Flight to Baghdad
Forty-eight hours before your flight
Two long days, two long nights
We wait in silence before you go
Denying what we already know
Pretending life is as before
As we pace across the floor
And hear the wind loudly blow
Denying what we already know
Never easy this wartime leaving,
Always on the verge of grieving
We try to keep emotions in tow
Denying what we already know.
When duty calls you have no choice
Your life represents America’s voice
We wait in prayer before you go
Denying what we already know.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
The armor has been shipped
Humvees, tanks, ambulances
readied for round three of war.
Shoes shined, camos pressed
almost ready for the door.
Minute details attended to
letters written, messages sent-
prepare last will and testament-
Every soldier knows the drill.
but yet the heart won’t be still.
The road ahead long and sad,
children alone without dad,
wives without the man they love,
no respite from travails of war
life goes on just like before,
or does it? How many times
must we be called to serve
for freedom’s sake? Leave our beds
for cold bunkers of Baghdad?
Be away for Christmas Day?
The list goes on and on and
on, but I will not say what
is in my heart and thoughts this
day as our son departs to
a distant land, rifle in hand.
God speed our boy you’re
in our hearts, thoughts and prayers.
Our faith is in the man upstairs
To keep you in his loving care.
Stream Full of Redds
Gills are
Like fresh wounds
Moon-shaped cuts
Openings on the salmon’s
Throat allow cool water
To propel the silver-side
Upriver like a speeding freight train
Accelerating down the mountain-
Its final destination certain death
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
How are you now? What lies under your shell tonight
What will your thoughts dispel tonight?
And I The Coach only am awake to tell thee-
Eve sobs in my arms. You can hear my bell tonight.
Autumn rains fill up the old cistern well.
Asleep, she tosses and turns in her hotel tonight
Rabid television evangelists sell prayer-
Transfixed masses under a spell tonight
From the Abbey of Gethsemane, voices yell
Thomas Merton and compatriots raising hell tonight
Discombobulated, Keith’s life is like a ground swell
His love’s away and the earth is pell-mell tonight
Monday, November 26, 2007
Sonnetina for Solace
Some days good, others bad for you and I
Most days filled with kindness and love
Usually those when you don’t think of you
And the times that I don’t yell at you
Angry days, misunderstood days when I
Feel like you doubt and question our love
Lonely periods of impossible tough love
Where all roads and thoughts lead back to you
With little room or time for you and I
Simple are the caring words I love you.
Savage Rapids Dam (On the Rogue River)
Passage obstructed
by blocks of stones, turbines
tame savage rapids
in sedimentary pools.
Providence said in
darkness at low tide only,
by blocks of stones, turbines
The salmon’s side
of access, sin barriers, or locks, barricades
lost signs of right, of gallantry
in sedimentary pools
Passages un-obstructed.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
The Caricature Drawing Above My Bed
I awake and stare at the smiling face
A cartoon caricature drawn at the mall
A celestial light shining from space
My love beams from her place on the wall
Her eyes like beacons that light the way
As if to say “follow me to the sunshine ball,
Please get up I say, come out and play!”
Each day her happy visage a wake-up call
The days seem empty when she’s away
Like bleak, cloudy times with endless drizzle
Shrouding ghost-like ships on the foggy bay
Or when one’s fondest dreams begin to fizzle
Her presence fills each day with love
While smiling from the picture above
Monday, November 12, 2007
Grandma's Tattoo
Tattooed ladies like weathered billboards
knit from creaky porches, pearling afghans,
their bodies-sentiments of a bygone era
adorned with wrinkled art like old Burma-
Shave signs or painted ads on ancient
red barns- a grand display of body colors.
They flaunt their asses, wave their arms-
cackling old hens on a Sunday afternoon.
Friday, November 09, 2007
Puget Sound Nursery Rhyme
The Sound- large ocean inlet, deep bay habitat
harboring hoards of silver-sided salmon
eerily shrouds our anchored vessel, thick-sponge-
soggy-fog soaks us,
evoking womb-encased primordial images
through a miasma of tall Seattle skyscrapers
jutting upward like erect phalli, waiting
to fertilize the day
Anchor lifted, ghost-like, we navigate through
a welter of mists, blips on a radar screen
chopping through rolling waves,three men in a tub
Oh! rub-a-dub-dub
It's Heating Up
Some there are who say that the finish is near
and the white bear is a display of evidence;
some, glacial melt; some would say smog, but I say
none of these matters
to troubled masses. Time is a ghost that hides
in the light, blending into a crowded market
like a shy child hiding behind a mother's skirt
waiting for a treat.
Stewardship is difficult, ignorance easy-
simply overlook the signs, bluff like a blind man
or embrace immortality like a God
with olive branches
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Night Thoughts
Usually the thoughts recur at night, when
freed from the intruding schemers,
toss and turn in welcome familiarity on a feathered
pillow, alone and weathered
dark dreams speaking to you in the night. Perhaps the ideas come before
sunrise, when the imaginary seashore
seeps from an ancient space; maybe the dream is the bed of
origin, where you wonder, instead of
knowing. Whatever the reason, you will sense it—in visions
deep within the psyche , or by decisions
silently wrought out in the dim shadows, or by lurking
thoughts of danger, or working,
alone with a view, in a cavernous mind. Soon, though, the sleep
ends to shatter all your deep,
awake and aware with the fear and fright given to you .
How you handle it describes you.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Pulls the muscles
Weighting down
An aging mind,
Tired body-
Like lead sinkers
Drowning in the deep river
As Our Light Dims
Going down hill
The future seems so much bleaker
Going down hill
our eyes reveal no joyful thrill
As the fading light grows weaker
Silence becomes the featured speaker
Going down hill
Monday, June 11, 2007
This is for You
This is for you, the girl on the tractor
sweating in the Montana sun, dreaming
of soft Parisian twilight, strolling down
The Champs-Elyseé , basking in the shadows
of the Museé de Beaux Artes.
This is for you, on your sixty-eighth birthday
counting the growth rings on the tree of life,
yearning for the soothing salve of the Rogue River,
crystal water running through your veins, seeping
purity into the soul’s solitude.
This is for you, the war-weary soldier
seeking solace from a surfeit of ravage,
scavenging through rubble of mosque-mania,
weeping for the massacred children,
questioning sacred duty under the guise of freedom.
These words are for you, and you and you,
Thirsting for nostalgia, simplicity; shunning
Complexity and derivation, reaching for clarity
Of thought, embracing beauty for beauty’s sake,
Loving the light shining through the window.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Our Connection
Our connection, a safe harbor, a warm womb
encapsulating our turbulence , stilling us against
roaring waves crashing the shoreline.
Too safe perhaps. Lingering in the interstices
the need to create without compromise, suffocation,
erasure- afraid of losing self, freedom.
So we struggle between holding on, letting go-
balancing between need and desire
like pre-pubescent teens in turmoil.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
The Drawing
The Drawing
Her face- squirkels, hatches, cross-hatches-
shadow values of light and dark drawn from dreams;
her depression drearily depicted, like the gloomy drizzle
Of a rain-drenched day; lines of lassitude detail the comatose
torpor of sadness, the sorrow of trickling tears, cold charcoal
lips blended with graphite tips, rendering real his art, light
evolving from dark.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Time Change
Time Change
The clock
Sure and steady
Springs forward
Like a hungry robin
If only time stood still
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Something for Nothing Man
Something for Nothing Man
Always he does things on the cheap
Free and easy his battle cries
Cobwebs line his leather purse
He fleeces friends like woolly sheep
Free and easy his battle cries
A coupon-clipper extraordinaire
Give him gratis or give him death
“On the house” his favorite words
Cobwebs line his leather purse
“Free of charge” his favorite tune
Low-price bargains make him swoon
A gratuitous, something for nothing man
He fleeces friends like woolly sheep
When the check comes and it’s time to pay
He runs like hell the other way
Well fed, foolish and friendless.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Birds and Bees
It's profound
she said as I spun my deep yarn
It's profound
she said from the loft of the barn
where I told her there's no harm
for birds to sing and bees to swarm
It's profound.
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Expletives Undeleted
Expletives Undeleted
Mother fucker.
Mother fucker
Gosh, darn, golly, gee
Caught his thumb
In an old car door
And went sailing out to sea
Shit fire
Shit fire
My heck, holy crap
Stubbed his toe
On a jagged rock
And felt like such a sap
The mothers came a-running
The fiddlers kept a-fiddling
And every time some hurt arose
The expletives kept a-dribbling
His words a sort of code you see
When nothing else will do
Forgive him mothers everywhere
He doesn’t have a clue.
Smoke Rings
Smoke Rings
She always smoked afterwards
arching her fine cat-like body
while gently squeezing the softening
member with her free hand. Smoke
curling in perfect ringlets. Volcanic
her O-shaped lips still tingling from
the taste of love. It was always like that;
him gently snoring satisfaction; her silently
blowing bands of hazy smoke rings
over their cooling bed of love.
Friday, March 02, 2007
overwhelms us
fretting from fear and anxiety
overwhelms us
terse terror in a society
a troublesome child's variety
catastrophic sobriety
overwhelms us
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
The Church that Granddad Built
The Church that Granddad Built
The old deserted church, sits by itself, weeping,
faded gray its time-worn wood and drooping cross,
its saints long-gone and living it up in another world.
If you listen carefully, you can still hear voices
of the choir, singing through the peeling shutters.
Sacred hymns riffling through broken down rafters.
Soft chords remember solemn, but happy Sundays.
Silent specters sing of joyful, love-filled days
of warm Sabbath mornings and long celebrations
of birth, marriage and death. Now the deer, the raccoon
the nocturnal owl-new parishioners worship through
broken windows and musty air of the silent altar.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Remembered and Reminded
Remembered and Reminded
Your card
wishing me a Happy Birthday
came in today’s mail.
I welcomed it like
the draft notice I received
on my eighteenth birthday.
The Map behind My Desk
Push-pins plaster the map
Behind my desk. Pinpointed
places, dream-travels. Places
to carry me away from today.
Flaming Gorge
The Red Sea
Old Faithful,
The Great Wall
The Great Barrier Reef
The Lesser Antilles
The Smithsonian Institute
Tutankhamen's tomb
Custer's Battlefield
The Las Vegas Strip
The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Anyplace but where I am.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Letter from an Ex
Letter from an Ex
Like a guided missile, your epistle
shooting through thin layers of tears
strikes my heavy heart, a thistle
tenaciously sticking to my fears.
Often your letters make me bristle
and drown myself in many beers,
but today’s tome makes me whistle
and forget about these lonely years.
You remind me of when first we met
holding hands by the little pond-
loving, gentle without regret
sharing dreams of far beyond.
The kids, no longer you say upset,
school is fine, they’ve moved on
and find comfort in Gus, the new pet.
Seems they’re busy dusk to dawn
"Oh by the way, the new man I found-
you know, the one I left you for;
well he’s gone, turned out to be a hound,
so I kicked his butt out the door.
I kind of wish that you were around,
but I guess that’s too much to hope for.
At night the house is an empty sound.
Gotta go, the dog is scratching at the door."
You tell me to write sometime
or stop in for a hot meal.
You even have my favorite wine.
Sorry sis, I’d rather swallow turpentineTuesday, February 20, 2007
Why Did I Log-on Today?
Your e-mails always surprise me-
Fast moving trains they arrive and
disappear like specters smearing
the clarity of my consciousness.
Unable to grasp the rat-a-tat-tat
of your machine gun thoughts,
I settle for the pure music and sound
of your cacophonic words dancing
in my mind.
Postcard from San Diego
Ran into Jorge at the post office today
We were wondering about you
Must be nice to have friends that care
Jorge and I had a cerveza together
He told me he's returning to Mexico
And he asked for your address
So he can send his mother's tamale recipe
I didn’t eat my yogurt today
We went to the casino
And ate a ham steak slam
In the afternoon I noticed
It’s time to go on a diet again
Dear Alice
Dear Alice
Went to the funeral after all
Because I thought somehow
It would make a difference
It should have been a solemn time
Like a new beginning
Though the healing never came
Instead I started chatting with old friends
And we started remembering
And eating crepe Suzettes
She’s going to a good place
And she knows I won’t change
I will though
Monday, February 19, 2007
Haibun for a Small-Town Marine
Haibun for a Small-Town Marine
Their son was a jokester, easy going and popular. He loved golf and vacationing in Myrtle Beach, S.C. But there was a serious side too, and his parents said he believed in serving his country. As a bonus, he thought military service would help him one day get a job with the FBI or CIA. Before leaving for Iraq He showed his girlfriend the giant American flag flying over the car dealership on highway 79 and said “That’s why I joined the Marines.” When they brought his 18 yr. old body home, the hearse passed by the same flag.
A small bee returns
Seeking sweet nectars
From the same flower
Expiration Date
Expiration Date
Life doesn’t retire, just expires
like obsolete goods in a store-
fades into grays of distant shore.
Aging douses the burning fires
like obsolete goods in a store,
out-of date, like worn-out tires.
Aging douses the burning fires-
fading flames that used to roar,
out-of date, like worn out tires-
Old and not of much use anymore.
Fading flames that used to roar,
the King of Beasts in full attire-
old and not of much use anymore.
Deserted child without desire-
the King of Beasts in full attire.
His regal growl a softened snore.
Deserted child without desire,
quietly drifting, drifting ashore-
fades into grays of distant shore.
Life doesn’t retire, just expires.
An Omelet
An Omelet
She was the cheese
I, the egg folded around her.
The perfect omelet made to please.
She was the cheese,
tasty bait to make old cats purr.
Now she’s gone, my life’s a blur.
She was the cheese
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Biology 101
Squeamish girls giggling at gasping toads
Squiggling squishy in squealing fingers
Amereican Idols
American Idols
American idols, icons of generations
Fulfill dreams and aspirations
with song and praise, athletic feats,
salve wounds of life’s defeats
humdrum changed beyond its station
transform dullness throughout the nation
lend credence to the spirit’s sensations
as honey to bitter tea makes sweet
American idols
Heroes of the heart’s creations,
emblems of heroic aspirations
where hope and heart often meet
under a lamp on a common street
America Idols
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Blink, blink again
Minutes marching before your eyes
Blink, blink again
You don’t have time to take it in
Too soon the day will come to die
There’s no time to sit and cry
Blink, blink again
Monday, February 12, 2007
Studying a Female Nude in Playboy Magazine(a parody)
Studying a Female Nude in Playboy Magazine (a parody)
What I notice are not the breasts
jutting like headlights, not the buttocks
where they jiggle like bowlfuls of jelly,
not even her Venus staring like a steamed clam
in a chowder of thick soup.
It is the seductive puckering of red labials
that means a kiss has been formed.
It is her power, full, supple, lethal
Sunday, February 11, 2007
At success’s brink: how is it-
In the ring of a winner’s circle, standing there
Among faces of cheering fans
Roars and roars, far across the track? Din-
Exhilarating and loud-
Fills the air and your
Admired and new-found fame amorphous,
Limp. Mr. President,
Can we lend a hand to help
Through spheres of haze
By seeing your life so clear,
Who welcomes us stoically and certain?
At success’s brink: how was it-
In the ring of the winner’s circle, looking back
Among the faces of cheering fans
Back and back, far across time? Success —
Insatiable and cruel —
Progged the air, and your
admired and long-gone fame went missing,
Lost. Mr. President,
Could we have lent a hand
Through spheres of darkness
By seeing your life so clear,
Who welcomed us stoically and certain?
Chandra Madash (The holy man) prays
Chandra Madash (The holy man) Prays
My mother
Your water
Flows in my veins.
Raw sewage
Seeping through
The core of my
Your timeless
Wash away
The sullied
Sins on my soul.
Your gentle tears
Irrigate my sorrow,
Though dirty
I love you. You are
My mother.
Friday, February 09, 2007
One Good Eye
One Good Eye
There is an old man at the poker table
with a wrinkled face and a glass eye.
His hands clutch a pair of pocket aces
One is red, one is black.
His face shows no outward tells.
He bets at the pot with a sleepy face,
but his heart races with a sense of danger.
He means to live on the edge until the end.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Another Wonder of the World
Another Wonder of the World
Something exists that doesn’t adore socks
That makes them disappear without a trace
And hides their woolen partners in the night;
And leaves a cohort, upon the icy floor.
The work of thieves is something else:
It can be explained by simple greediness
Why they have stolen things, the this and that
Of ordinary possessions acquired,
To feed their starving brood. The sock I mean,
No one has seen it leave, or heard it leave,
But at week’s laundry time-we find it gone.
Vanished, a UFO without the slightest hint.
Perhaps the answer, never clear, lies deep
Within mysterious air like
Aliens, astrophysics or aardvarks.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Nostalgic Blur
I remember when America's
Places had their own faces
When each and every town,
a unique watermark impressed
upon the landscape's stationary.
Held up to the light, its own identity.
I remember back-country roads, small
cafes, mom and pop stores where jaw-
breakers sold for a penny and giant pickles
soaked in a briny barrel. I remember ten-cent
double-scooped banana splits at Baylor's parlor,
admiring the way you savored the sweetness.
I remember when Butte was Butte, Helena
Was Helena, Fresno was Fresno and
New York City was paradise, Hollywood
a fantasy. Yes, I remember well.
I suppose the blur like my failing eye sight
is inevitable. Lines between places distorted
Like the yellow arches, the chicken buckets
Or the little" te quiero" Chihuahua's home.
Or the endless sterile bypasses connecting
Wal-Marts with woodland wayfarers
caught in the headlights of progress. Driving
home today, my thoughts are of yesterday.
Monday, February 05, 2007
Screaming in the lucid, placid night
Her voice rancid, like burning acid
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Moving Beyond the Margins
Lifting the latch,
moving beyond the margins
of one’s own doors
unfolds a greater paradise-
a river, a place of many voices,
travelers drifting along
in the crests and falls of waves.
None is timeless, all historical.
Everything in the end passes.
We desire to be liked, contemporary.
My words are nothing new. Creation-
an imitation of what already exists,
already admired. To be contemporary
is to rise through the scab of the past,
like fire in the mountain, deepest heat
born to carry a new idea
into the rarified air.
Blur from the Red Feather Bar
A vagrant worm, Indian Joe Gans hoists
his head From the strange pillow, prodded by
The buttons on his bloody, rumpled shirt.
A hypnopompic yawn gathers saliva
around the whiskey-dry mouth.
Agog at the odd-looking woman rattling
pots in the distant kitchen, he contemplates
the ramifications of yet another lost night,
another meaningless one night stand, another
deception. "How would you like your eggs Sweetie?"
Progged from his reverie, he replies "Over easy,
real easy Kathy, or is it Marge?"
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
What I'm Trying to Do at 6 a.m.
What I’m Trying to Do at
Show the darkness of honeybees,
the brightness of black holes
and light fires for the cold
where the graying ash that gasps its
last breath upon the fire grate and
the graying ember that hears its sizzle,
re-kindles and shines its light into
the dark corners of obscure night.
To release the laughing grass
and boisterous clouds and bury
the dead in living shrouds.
I try, try, and try to hear the shoe
in the closet licking its wounds.
Ms. June's Daydreams
Ms. June’s Daydreams
Shy and bookish
Stacking books
Like cords of firewood
On dusty bookshelves
A girl scout once
Brave and loyal
Selling cookies
Like tokens of love
If only he’d light her fire!
Monday, January 29, 2007
Coup d' Oeil
Coup d’ Oeil
a cricket chirped
On the baseboard
right under
my sleepy pillow
and a song
of Pinocchio
entered my dream
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Yahoo Advisory
Today the screen
Smoky the brown
against eating
from Taco Bell

Thursday, January 25, 2007
After the passing
his way of life fell
into drink, the golden
years, and that which should
accompany an aging man
as respect, love, agreement,
scads of friends, he couldn't
look forward to; but instead
torments, not shrill, but deafening.
Great Falls Elementary Schools
Great Falls Elementary schools
At Emerson all the children have
Transparent Eyeballs
and gray; December days are brief
perfect Junes with golden spurs
At Longfellow They sing of Hiawatha
with simple and fresh hearts
school bus with poetic winter spirits
to bardic-named schools, appellations
carved in granite like tombstones.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
In the Name of Love
Hair in rollers
Antennae atop curly dome
Hair in rollers
Gone the way of silver dollars
Archaic as the afro comb
Your hair tonight is like a poem
Hair in rollers
An Alphabet Anthology
The N's use the N-word
to describe their own
entities and jive jokes
using the H-word
in the name of comedy
to speak of my sister.
A Texas mayor in Hicksville
wants to make a new law-
a law of no N-words in the
H-tonks of the dusty bowl
of no N-lovers.
Senator Macaca forgot he
was a J and denied ever
Using the N-word at a frat party.
After all Jose was an S not an N.
In May all the N's, H's, J's, S's,
And even the G's grow in my
garden in perfect harmony and peace.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Fear of Discovery
All my life
up to now,
I've played the game
without much gamble
pretending to be a player,
a risk-taker
in the arena
of daredevils.
All my life
up to now
I've been afraid
I'll be found out.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Caught in the Act
Caught in the Act
The deer smell me.
They twitch their button noses
into the gentle breeze
of night air. They sense
probable danger. I am
encroaching on sacred ground.
The thoughts in my mind
are to lie still under the canopy
and position the scope of my rifle-
to catch something by being quiet
a little while, but with a sharp
eye of focused attention.
But the deer hoist their white tails and slip
away silent as the night.
And I must leave now-
they've recognized me for what I am-
No lover,
No friend bearing gifts.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Night on The River
Night on the River
At the Rogue’s edge
the moon falling
bumps its yellow nose
on the cattails
and brown frogs
spew melodious echoes into
the deep pools
beneath the ripples.
A blue crane is perched
like a blue cloud---
or a mood of remoteness
in the grasp of some odd power
while all around me the red salmon
are splashing upstream again
from the bubbling beds
of black gravel.
In a while, I’ll think about
what I’ve observed---
what it could mean---
what poetic thoughts I might
write about it, and so I think
I will go sit before my keyboard ---
I shall rest in my thoughts ---
I will reflect
into the vast nightfall
in which I am swimming now,
like a silver fish,
so easily,
so gracefully,
I am almost the salmon ---
almost the crane fading over the river
on black clouds of night.
Friday, January 19, 2007
The good news is sex remains alive.
Thought it would be over
at the fading age of sixty-five.
Simply a hazy memory, like
the chocolaty taste of a Snicker bar,
or an Uncle Sam poster declaring
"I want you" or the mellow sounds
of Paul Desmond's sax soothing from
the nickel jukebox at the A&W.
Gone like Scarlett's wind or Elvis'
pink Cadillac.
The bad news is sex remains alive.
thought the end a given
as I celebrated number sixty-seven.
Now approaching sixty-eight I can
hardly wait to hear your footsteps,
the soft patter of feet, slipping quietly
through the garden gate.
Last night was divine. If I keep
this up, I surely won't reach sixty-nine!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
In Praise of Ms. Moore
In Praise of Ms. Moore
Their voices sound
like replicating memes-
dissonant as barnyard
roosters competing for crumbs
of stale bread, envious of free
pheasants foraging in fertile fields
beyond the fences.
Better to be a chicken
with ones head
cut off than to be
derivative, unintelligible.
Autumn Pastoral
Autumn Pastoral
Lowing Angus in the valley
Lend excitement to the fall;
The brilliant colors of autumn leaves
Flood the black pasture.
Within a portrait such as this
I still feel your soft thighs.
Without eyes, the forest is dark
Without voice, the lake is silent
Without love, my heart is stone
Without that spark, my life is bleak
What compelling power in the stars
ignites us before we wake up?
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Doggerel Days
More childish than philosophical
An imbecile among the wits
Irreverent, somewhat agnostical
I'm prone to awkward rhyming fits
You say "cheese" I say "sneeze"
Tomatoes soon become potatoes
An ass for assonance ,I please
The ear, rather than the likes of Plato
I'm insignificant and trite they say
Unable to control my strange addiction
I wish it were some other way,
Perhaps a foot-fetish predilection
Collecting stamps a bore, dead insects gross
I refuse to monger among the whores,
Or suck on pretty ladies toes.
Alas! My doggerel ingrains, evermore!
Sunday, January 14, 2007
It Ain't Over Til it's Over Baby!
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition;…Shakespeare
Henry V
It Ain’t Over Til it’s Over Baby!
On the flattop’s deck
Bowing his neck, George
Said “Heck, it’s over!”
As helicopters hover like
bees in clover overhead.
Declares victory, “They’re dead”
The terrorist dread done
The task won. Wars
are fun. Silly grin
upon his chin amid
the din of cheers,
mugs of beers and
loyal seers shouting praise,
hallelujah-hands raise high,
a maze of American pie
as mothers sigh relief
and cry with joy,
while hoi-polloi-common
men enjoy the win,
the smug sin of pride-
the thin red line
grapevine of cold, lucid
premium wine from dross
Like a true boss
No loss of flavor
But to savor inexcusable
Horrific behavior while dead
Strewn about, lead coffins
On beds of sand
honor a band of
brother's dance to a real end.
Friday, January 12, 2007
They went too fast that fateful day
The car sped over clay and rocks
I saw her pray beneath the wreck
and pick glass from his neck. Sliver
shards , bloody specs like ladybugs
mixed with tears and hugs spackled
the tire’s lugs. Beneath the crush
a soft moaning, a flush of air, and then
the siren’s rush above the spill
the penetrating chill of fear,
certain thrill from death’s allure-
a gruesome guided tour of circumstance
like some poor pilgrim’s first sighting
of a scalping, bone-biting fear,
transparent lighting that reveals
oneself in dark that heals panic
against turning wheels of self-doubt,
glad when able to shout, It’s
not me!. It’s about the living-
alive, among the dead and dying.
The Resident Dissident
His words become cliché
with each day, promises
shaded gray like clouds-
obscure shrouds blurting
out loud –false alarms
voodoo-like charms, curses
of harms way. Content,
a politician’s bent, his
time spent spinning tales
and covering trails avoiding
strong gales. We present
The President- the resident
dissident of the house
that Thomas Jefferson built.