Friday, October 21, 2005

Second Tour

Dedication Memorial Balad Iraq 2003
Originally uploaded by hombreciego.

Second Tour

Once again our soldier’s off to war
Once again we count the anxious days
Sad Days before he shuts the final door

On family, friends and normal ways
To fight for freedom in foreign lands
Once again we sleepwalk in a daze

And pray on bended knee with folded hands
For safe return of this dear boy of ours
Once again the winds of war have fanned

The fires of dark, infinite, fretful hours-
Once again our soldier’s off to war

KBris 2005

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I check you blog sometimes. This poem touched my heart and made it break again for reasons you and I understand best.
I believe I will frame this one.
What a wonderful writer you are my friend.